Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Cultural Change


Trends of modernization in India is visible through the following:


People can form caste based associations

Matrimonial advertisements have specific caste / community based sections in newspaper and websites

People can form satsang groups through whatsapp

People can sit together in public places

Correct Answer:

People can sit together in public places


The correct answer is Option (4) → People can sit together in public places

From the options provided:

  • People can form caste-based associations: This reflects the persistence of traditional social divisions and may not necessarily align with trends of modernization.
  • Matrimonial advertisements have specific caste/community-based sections in newspapers and websites: This also indicates the persistence of traditional caste-based considerations in marriage, rather than modernization.
  • People can form satsang groups through WhatsApp: Satsang refers to spiritual gatherings. Using WhatsApp for such groups utilizes modern technology for communication but doesn't necessarily reflect a broader societal shift towards modernization.
  • People can sit together in public places: This reflects a breakdown of social/caste barriers and a move towards greater social equality, which is an aspect of modernization.

"The term modernisation has a long history. From the 19th and more so the 20th century the term began to be associated with positive and desirable values. People and societies wanted to be modern. In the early years, modernisation referred to improvement in technology and production processes. Increasingly, however, the term had a wider usage. It referred to the path of development that much of west Europe or North America has taken. And suggested that other societies both have to and ought to follow the same path of development. The story of our modernisation and secularisation is quite distinct from their growth in the west.Here we look into the two processes of modernisation and secularisation together for they are linked. They are both part of a set of modern ideas. Sociologists have tried to define what exactly constitutes the modernisation process.

It means that people are influenced not just by local but universal contexts. How you behave, what you think is no longer decided by your family or tribe or caste or community. What job you wish to do is decided not by the job your parent does, but by what you wish to do. Work gets based on choice, not birth. On whom you are depend on what you achieve, not by who you are. A scientific attitude gains ground."