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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


It was in this context that during the 1970s a section of Akalis began to demand political autonomy for the region. This was reflected in a resolution passed at their conference at Anandpur Sahib in 1973. The Anandpur Sahib Resolution asserted regional autonomy and wanted to redefine the center-state relationship in the country. The resolution also spoke of the aspirations of the Sikh qaum (community or nation) and declared its goal as attaining the bolbala (dominance or hegemony) of the Sikhs.

Name the Akali leader who supported the freedom movement but opposed Congress’ policy of negotiating only with the Muslims & after the Independence advocated the formation of a separate Punjab State?


Harchand Singh Longowal

Master Sitara Singh

Master Tara Singh

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Master Tara Singh


Master Tara Singh, a prominent Sikh religious and political leader supported the freedom movement but opposed Congress’ policy of negotiating only with the Muslims & after the Independence advocated of formation of a separate Punjab State.