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General Test


General Knowledge


The ‘Room on the roof’ a novel about an orphaned English boy living with his guardian is written by whom among the following authors?


Khushwant Singh

Arundhati Roy

Manohar Malgaonkar

Ruskin Bond

Correct Answer:

Ruskin Bond


The correct answer is Option (4) - Ruskin Bond

"Room on the Roof" is a novel written by Ruskin Bond. It tells the story of an orphaned English boy named Rusty, who lives with his guardian in Dehradun, India. The novel explores Rusty's struggles with loneliness, identity, and the clash of cultures as he navigates his way through adolescence. Ruskin Bond's vivid storytelling and heartfelt portrayal of characters make "Room on the Roof" a timeless coming-of-age classic.