Practicing Success

Target Exam





Admission of a Partner


The Balance sheet of Himanshu, Pranav and Tushar who were sharing profits in proportion to their capital stood as follows:

Balance Sheet
as on 31 March 2022
Liabilities  Rs Assets Rs
Sundry Creditors 25000 Land and Building 35000
Investment Fluctuation Fund 5000 Machinery 45500
Bills Payable 10000 Stock 13000

Himanshu = 35000
Pranav    = 21000
Tushar    = 14000

70000 Debtors 6000
    Investment 5000
    Bank 4000
    Profit and loss A/c 1500
  110000   110000

Addition Information:
(a) On 1st April 2022, they admitted Rachit into partnership for 1/6th share in future profit.
(b) Rachit will bring 25,000 for capital and 15,000 for goodwill.
(c) A provision for doubtful debts of 7% was to be made.
(d) Land and building is to be appreciated to 120%.
(e) Machinery is decreased by ₹1,500.

On the basis of above case give answer to question:

Determine the amount compensated by Rachit to Pranav.






Correct Answer:



Old ratio between old partners is capital ratio which means 35000:21000:14000
                                                                                         =  5:3:2
Rachit share = 1/6
Total share = 1
Remaining share = 1- 1/6
This 5/6 share is distributed between old partners in old ratio to know their new share
Himanshu = 5/6 X 5/10
                = 25/60
Parnav = 5/6 X 3/10
             = 15/60
Tushar = 5/6 X 2/10
           = 10/60
NEW RATIO = 25/60 :15/60:10/60:1/6
                  = 25/60 :15/60:10/60:10/60
                   = 25:15:10:10 or 5:3:2:2
Sacrificing ratio= Old share - new share
Himanshu sacrifice = 5/10-5/12
                              = (30-25)/60
                              = 5/60
Parnav sacrifice     = 3/10 - 3/12
                              = (18-15)/60
                               = 3/60
Tushar sacrifice     = 2/10 - 2/12
                              = (12-10)/60
                               = 2/60
Scarificing ratio = 5/60:3/60:2/60
                          = 5:3:2
Rachit compensate Parnav for 3/10
Goodwill brought by Rachit = 15000
Parnav share in Rachit goodwill = 15000 x 3/10
                                                  = 4500