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Legal Studies


Legal Services


Arrange the development of legal aid in India in chronological order:

A. Union govt initiated legal Aid scheme

B. Committee on National Implementation of Legal Aid

C. Enactment of Legal Services Authorities Act

D. Formation of Krishna Iyer Committee

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, C, D

A, D, B, C

C, D, A, B

B, A, D, C

Correct Answer:

A, D, B, C


In 1960, the Union Government initiated the national legal aid scheme which faced financial shortages and died a natural death. In 1973, in the second phase, the Union Government constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Justice Krishna Iyer to develop a legal aid scheme for states. The Committee devised a strategy in a decentralized mode with legal aid committees in every district, state and the centre. A committee on judicature was set up under the chairmanship of Justice P N Bhagwati to implement the legal aid scheme. This Committee suggested legal aid camps and nyayalayas in rural areas and recommended the inclusion of free legal aid provision in the Constitution. In 1980, the Committee on National Implementation of Legal Aid was constituted with Justice Bhagwati was its head. Subsequently, the Parliament enacted the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.