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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


The unique strength of the Congress party stemmed from its coalition-like character. Firstly, a coalition welcomes all members, necessitating a balanced approach on most issues to avoid extremes. Compromise and inclusiveness are the defining features of a coalition, placing the opposition in a challenging position. The Congress party incorporated the opposition's perspectives into its program and ideology. Secondly, as a coalition-based party, Congress exhibited a higher tolerance for internal differences, accommodating the ambitions of various groups and leaders. This accommodative approach persisted from the freedom struggle through Independence. Consequently, even discontented groups opted to remain within the party and engage in internal struggles rather than forming a separate opposition. These internal factions within the party played a crucial role. Contrary to being a weakness, internal factionalism became a source of strength for Congress. The party provided space for factions to contend, ensuring that leaders representing diverse interests and ideologies stayed united within the Congress instead of splintering to form new parties.

Why did discontented groups choose to remain within the Congress party?


They believed in the party's extreme positions.

They wanted to form a separate opposition.

They were accommodated and engaged in internal struggles.

They were forced to stay against their will.

Correct Answer:

They were accommodated and engaged in internal struggles.


The unique strength of the Congress party stemmed from its coalition-like character. Firstly, a coalition welcomes all members, necessitating a balanced approach on most issues to avoid extremes. Compromise and inclusiveness are the defining features of a coalition, placing the opposition in a challenging position. The Congress party incorporated the opposition's perspectives into its program and ideology. Secondly, as a coalition-based party, Congress exhibited a higher tolerance for internal differences, accommodating the ambitions of various groups and leaders. This accommodative approach persisted from the freedom struggle through Independence. Consequently, even discontented groups opted to remain within the party and engage in internal struggles rather than forming a separate opposition.