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Target Exam







Choose the appropriate synonym for the underlined foreign word.

Ms. Melinda made her debut in 1896 in the company of her uncle John Drew.


First run

First appearance

First scene

First school

Correct Answer:

First appearance


The correct answer is Option (2) → First appearance

Explanation of options:

1. **First run**: This does not accurately convey the meaning of "debut." "First run" typically refers to the first showing or performance of a play, film, or other production.

2. **First appearance**: This accurately reflects the meaning of "debut." It refers to the first public performance, appearance, or presentation of someone in a particular role or capacity.

3. **First scene**: This doesn't fit the context of the sentence. "First scene" refers to the initial part of a play, movie, or story, not the first public appearance or performance of a person.

4. **First school**: This also does not match the meaning of "debut." "First school" refers to the initial educational institution attended by a person, not their first public appearance or performance.