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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Battle of Haldighati was fought between Akbar and Rana Pratap. Who was leading the army of Akbar in this battle?


Raja Man Singh I of Amber

Malik Kafur

Raja Jai Singh

Akbar Himself.

Correct Answer:

Raja Man Singh I of Amber


The correct answer is Option 1- Raja Man Singh I of Amber

The Mughal army in the Battle of Haldighati was led by Raja Man Singh I of Amber. He was a Rajput general who was loyal to Akbar. Man Singh was a skilled and experienced commander, and he was able to defeat Rana Pratap's forces even though they were smaller and less well-equipped.

Man Singh's victory in the Battle of Haldighati was a major victory for Akbar. It helped to consolidate Mughal rule in Rajasthan, and it paved the way for the Mughal conquest of Mewar.

Man Singh was a highly respected figure in the Mughal court. He was also a patron of the arts and sciences. He built many temples and mosques, and he supported many scholars and artists.