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Target Exam





Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


What is the purpose of the micropyle in a seed?


To reduce the water content of the seed during maturation

To allow the entry of oxygen and water during germination

To maintain dormancy in the embryo

None of these

Correct Answer:

To allow the entry of oxygen and water during germination


The correct answer is Option (2)- To allow the entry of oxygen and water during germination

The purpose of the micropyle in a seed is to allow the entry of oxygen and water during germination. So the answer is (2).

The micropyle is a small opening in the seed coat that is located at the tip of the ovule. It is through the micropyle that the pollen tube enters the ovule during fertilization. However, the micropyle also plays an important role in germination.

During germination, the embryo uses oxygen and water to grow and develop. The micropyle allows oxygen and water to enter the seed coat and reach the embryo. Without the micropyle, the embryo would not be able to germinate.

The micropyle is also important for the dispersal of seeds. In some plants, the micropyle is modified to form a hygroscopic opening. This opening closes when the seed is dry and opens when the seed is wet. This allows the seed to be dispersed by wind or water.

Overall, the micropyle is a small but important opening in the seed coat. It allows the entry of oxygen and water during germination, and it can also help to disperse seeds.