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Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


What was the meaning of 'Jangama' in 12th-century Karnataka?



Wandering Monks


Four Thousand Sacred Compositions

Correct Answer:

Wandering Monks


The correct answer is Option (2) → Wandering Monks

Lingayat Religious Movement: The Jangamas were closely associated with the Lingayat or Virashaiva religious movement, which emerged in 12th-century Karnataka. Lingayats were followers of Basava, a saint and philosopher, and they rejected traditional Hindu caste and ritual systems.

Ascetic Lifestyle: Jangamas were wandering ascetic monks who followed the teachings of Basava. They embraced an ascetic way of life, often traveling from place to place without permanent settlement.

Propagation of Lingayat Faith: The Jangamas played a crucial role in propagating the Lingayat faith. They spread the teachings of Basava and attracted followers through their itinerant preaching and spiritual guidance.

Distinctive Religious Attire: Jangamas were known for their distinctive religious attire, which included wearing a linga (an emblem representing the god Shiva) around their necks. This marked them as dedicated followers of the Lingayat tradition.

Connection to Shiva Worship: The Lingayat tradition is centered around the worship of Lord Shiva. Jangamas were considered devotees of Lord Shiva and played a key role in the promotion of this form of worship.

So, the correct option is [2].