Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Which of the following statement is true?

Statement 1- Aryan has limited authority and he interacts with actual workforce means he is working at middle level management.
Statement 2- Company aims to change the quality of life and outlook of Indian farmers means he is going for achieving social objective.
Statement 3- Airtel company is continuously adding new features in its services to remain ahead of changes made by other competing company means management is a dynamic function.


Statement 1 is true

Statement 1 & 2 is true

Statement 2 & 3 is true

All statements are true

Correct Answer:

Statement 2 & 3 is true


Statement 1- Aryan has limited authority and he interacts with actual workforce means he is working at middle level management- This statement is wrong because the manager who interacts with workforce work at lower level management not at middle level.
Statement 2- Company aims to change the quality of life and outlook of Indian farmers means he is going for achieving social objective- This statement is true because working for the society is achieving social objective.
Statement 3- Airtel company is continuously adding new features in its services to remain ahead of changes made by other competing company means management is a dynamic function- This statement is true because adapting changes means management is a dynamic function.