Practicing Success

Target Exam





Current Electricity


A series LCR circuit connected to an AC source with voltage of the source $v=v_m \sin \omega t$.

If 'q' is the charge on the capacitor and 'i' is the current, from Kirchoff's loop rule:

$L \frac{d i}{d t}+i R+\frac{q}{c}=V$

The current in the circuit is given by $i=I_{m} \sin (\omega t+ \phi)$ where $\phi$ is the phase difference between the voltage across the source and current in the circuit.

We know $V_{R m}=L_m R ; V_{L m}=L_m X_L ; V_{C m}=L_m X_C$; and $X_L=\omega L ; X_C=\frac{1}{\omega C}$

Total impedance in the circuit regulates current. At resonance frequency of the LCR circuit current in the circuit is maximum.

A pure inductor of 0.25 mH, a pure capacitor of 250 µF and a resistor of $350 \Omega$ are connected in series. An ac source of amplitude 210 V is connected across this series combination of L, C and R. The impedance and current amplitude in the circuit at resonance will be:


$Z_{\min }=703 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.30 ~A$

$Z_{\text {min }}=350 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.60 ~A$

$Z_{\min }=850 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.25 ~A$

$Z_{\text {min }}=430 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.5 ~A$

Correct Answer:

$Z_{\text {min }}=350 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.60 ~A$


The correct answer is Option (2) → $Z_{\text {min }}=350 \Omega$ and $I_{\max }=0.60 ~A$

Impedance of the circuit, Z = R [at resonance]

$\Rightarrow Z=R=350 \Omega$

At resonance impedance is minimum, $\Rightarrow Z_{\text {min }} =350 \Omega$

$I_{\max }=\frac{V_{\max }}{R} \Rightarrow I_{\max }=\frac{210}{350}=0.60 ~A$