Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following case study and attempt questions.

Mr Vinay is a Production Manager in a company. Being a Manager he seeks planned results from his subordinates so he sets the criteria against which the actual performance of subordinates will be measured. He also conveys these criteria to his subordinates. He knows that it is neither economical nor easy to keep a check on each and every activity. He also finds that if he tries to control everything it will result in controlling nothing After these two considerations, he gives the main focus of his effort on comparatively more important tasks and finally, he gets planned results.

Identify the level of Management at which Mr. Vinay is working.


Top Level Management

Middle Level Management

First line Management

Lower Level Management

Correct Answer:

Middle Level Management


Mr. Vinay is a Production Manager, which is a middle-level management position. Middle-level managers are responsible for implementing the plans and policies of top-level management and supervising the work of lower-level managers. They play a vital role in the success of any organization.