Practicing Success

Target Exam





Overview of Computerised Accounting System


Identify the activity sequence of the basic information processing model.


Organise data, process data, and collect data

Collect data, organise and process data and communicate information

Process data, organise data and collect data

Organise data, collect data and communicate information

Correct Answer:

Collect data, organise and process data and communicate information


The correct answer is Option (2) → Collect data, organise and process data and communicate information.

The basic information processing model consists of several sequential steps that are typically involved in handling information.

Collect Data: This is the initial phase where relevant information is gathered. It could involve data collection through various means, such as surveys, observations, or data acquisition from different sources.

Organize Data: Once the data is collected, it needs to be structured and organized in a meaningful way. This step involves arranging the information systematically, making it easier to analyze and process.

Process Data: After the data is organized, it undergoes processing. This step involves manipulating and transforming the data to derive meaningful insights or to perform specific calculations. Data processing can include tasks like calculations, sorting, filtering, and other operations to extract useful information.

Communicate Information: The final step involves conveying the processed information to others. This could be through reports, presentations, visualizations, or any other form of communication that effectively conveys the insights gained from the processed data.