Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ray Optics


A hollow double convex lens is made of very thin transparent material. It can be filled with air or either of the two liquids L1 or L2 having refractive indices n1 and n2 respectively (n2 > n1 > 1). The lens will diverge a parallel beam of light if it is filled with


Air inside and placed in air

L1  inside and immersed in air

L1 inside and immersed in L2

L2 inside and immersed in L1

Correct Answer:

L1 inside and immersed in L2


A convex lens behave as a diverging lens if refractive index of lens is less than outside medium.For diverging the parallel beam, the liquid (medium) inside the lens should have less refractive index than the outer medium

Hence, n2 > n1

∴ Liquid inside is L1 and liquid outside is L2.