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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED) Mechanism is related with which of the following ministry?


Ministry of Power

Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Correct Answer:

Ministry of Power


The correct answer is Option (1) - Ministry of Power

The Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED) mechanism is a concept related to the energy sector, particularly in the context of electricity generation and distribution. It is primarily associated with the Ministry of Power in India. Economic dispatch refers to the process of determining the most cost-effective way to generate electricity while meeting the demand for power. It involves optimizing the operation of power plants to minimize the overall cost of generation, taking into account factors such as fuel prices, plant efficiency, and transmission constraints. The Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED) mechanism builds upon the principles of economic dispatch but introduces market-based mechanisms to facilitate efficient energy allocation and utilization. It typically involves the creation of electricity markets where power producers can compete to sell their electricity to distribution utilities or consumers.

Under the MBED mechanism, electricity generation is allocated based on competitive market forces, with prices determined by supply and demand dynamics. This approach encourages efficiency and innovation in the energy sector while ensuring reliable and affordable electricity supply. The Ministry of Power in India plays a crucial role in developing and implementing policies and regulations related to energy generation, transmission, and distribution. It oversees the functioning of electricity markets and works towards ensuring the efficient and sustainable utilization of energy resources. By promoting initiatives such as the Market Based Economic Dispatch mechanism, the Ministry of Power aims to modernize and optimize the electricity sector, fostering competition, investment, and innovation while meeting the growing energy needs of the country.