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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Get something off your chest


Remove something from you as it is troubling you a lot

Have difficulty in doing something that is quite easy

Express something that has been worrying you, and you want to say

Tell people some good news that you know and you want to share

Correct Answer:

Express something that has been worrying you, and you want to say


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "get something off your chest" is Express something that has been worrying you, and you want to say.

The idiom means to tell someone something that has been bothering you, and that you have been keeping to yourself. It is often used to describe a feeling of relief that comes from finally sharing something that has been weighing on your mind.

For example, you might say that you need to "get something off your chest" if you have been feeling guilty about something, or if you have been keeping a secret from someone.