Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Miss. Kokilasen is planning to take her business of home-made chocolates to a higher level. Kindly help her to identify the process of planning by selecting right sequence of options given below :

A. Follow-up action.

B. Identifying alternatives and evaluating each of them.

C. Implementing the plan.

D. Setting objectives and developing premises.

E. Selecting an alternative.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


D, E, B, C, A

D, B, E, C, A

D, C, E, B, A

D, B, C, E, A

Correct Answer:

D, B, E, C, A


The correct answer is option (2) : D, B, E, C, A

The correct sequence for the process of planning for Miss Kokilasen's business of home-made chocolates is as follows:

D.Setting objectives and developing premises:The planning process typically begins with setting clear objectives and establishing the underlying premises or assumptions for the plan.

B. Identifying alternatives and evaluating each of them: After setting objectives, the next step is to identify different alternative strategies or courses of action and assess the pros and cons of each.

E. Selecting an alternative: Once the alternatives have been evaluated, a decision is made to select the most suitable course of action or alternative.

C. Implementing the plan: After selecting an alternative, the plan is put into action. This step involves executing the chosen strategy and putting the plan into practice.

A. Follow-up action: The final step involves monitoring the implementation of the plan and taking follow-up actions as needed to ensure that the objectives are met and any issues are addressed.

So, the correct sequence is

2. D, B, E, C, A