Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


Which incident led Gandhi ji to withdraw non-cooperation movement?


Kakori episode

Chauri-Chaura episode

Yang-bang episode

Jallianwala Bagh episode

Correct Answer:

Chauri-Chaura episode


The correct answer is Option 2-Chauri-Chaura episode

The incident that led Mahatma Gandhi to withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement was the Chauri-Chaura incident. In 1922, during the Non-Cooperation Movement, a protest in the town of Chauri-Chaura in Uttar Pradesh turned violent, leading to the death of several police officers. Gandhi, who had been advocating non-violence as a fundamental principle of the movement, was deeply disturbed by the violent turn of events. In response to the Chauri-Chaura incident, he decided to withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement as a way of expressing his disapproval of the use of violence in the pursuit of political objectives.