Practicing Success

Target Exam







Out of the options given below choose the suitable transformation into Indirect Speech.

She said," Are they just going to repeat what they said today?"


She asked them to repeat what they said that day.

She asked them if they were just going to repeat what they had said that day.

She asked them to repeat what they said earlier.

She never asked them to repeat their statements.

Correct Answer:

She asked them if they were just going to repeat what they had said that day.


The most suitable transformation into Indirect Speech for the sentence "She said," Are they just going to repeat what they said today?" is:


"She asked them if they were just going to repeat what they had said that day."

This sentence retains the original meaning of the direct speech while also using the correct tense and grammar for indirect speech.

Here is a breakdown of the changes made to the direct speech sentence to transform it into indirect speech:

  • The past tense verb "said" is changed to the past tense verb "asked".
  • The interrogative form ("Are they just going to repeat what they said today?") is changed to a declarative form ("She asked them if they were just going to repeat what they had said that day.").
  • The present tense verb "are going to" is changed to the past tense verb "were going to".
  • The adverb "today" is changed to the past tense adverb "that day".