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Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Read the passage and answer the following question.

Rahul went for a vacation along with his friends to a town located in countryside during summers. The house on which they stayed was surrounded by farmland by all sides. Lots of crops was growing nearby and Rahul was very excited to visit the crop fields. He went to the fields along with his friends and spent 2 to 3 hours in the fields. On returning back Rahul had running nose, watering eyes and continuous sneezing which was very frequent. the symptoms worsened with time.

The symptoms that Rahul developed on account of being allergic are consequence of which of the given option ?Question 3)


Inflammation of membrane lining the nose and conjunctiva.

Swelling up of tissue surrounding bronchioles of lung.

Dilation of all arteries so that large amount of fluid passes from blood to tissues.

All of above.

Correct Answer:

Inflammation of membrane lining the nose and conjunctiva.


The allergy that Rahul developed is characterised by inflammation of membrane lining the nose and conjunctiva leading to running nose, watering eyes and sneezing.