Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the following in Passive Voice.

You are teasing them.


They were being teased by you.

They are teased by you.

They have been teasing by you.

They are being teased by you.

Correct Answer:

They are being teased by you.


The correct answer is "They are being teased by you."

Here's why:

  • The sentence is in the present continuous tense (active voice).
  • To convert it to passive voice, we need to:
    • Change the subject ("you") to the object ("they").
    • Add the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb "be" ("are") before the past participle of the main verb ("teasing").
    • Use the present participle ("being") of the verb "to be" before the past participle.

Therefore, "They are being teased by you" accurately reflects the passive voice of the sentence "You are teasing them."

The other options are incorrect:

  • "They were being teased by you" is in the past continuous passive voice, not the present continuous passive voice.
  • "They are teased by you" is in the present simple passive voice, not the present continuous passive voice.
  • "They have been teasing by you" is in the present perfect passive voice, not the present continuous passive voice. Additionally, it has the wrong subject and object.