Practicing Success

Target Exam







What is the term used to describe the rate of formation of new organic matter by consumers?



Nutrient cycling

Secondary productivity

Species composition

Correct Answer:

Secondary productivity


The correct answer is (c) Secondary productivity.

 Secondary productivity is the term used to describe the rate of formation of new organic matter by consumers in an ecosystem. Consumers are heterotrophic organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms. They play a vital role in transferring energy and nutrients through the food chain.

Secondary productivity represents the growth and production of biomass by consumers, including herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. It measures the rate at which consumers incorporate energy from the food they consume into their own biomass.

Unlike primary productivity, which refers to the production of organic matter by autotrophs (such as plants) through photosynthesis, secondary productivity focuses on the growth and production of heterotrophs. It reflects the efficiency with which energy is transferred from lower trophic levels to higher trophic levels in the food chain.

Secondary productivity is an essential component of the overall productivity and functioning of an ecosystem. It supports the energy flow and sustains the populations of higher trophic levels, including top predators, by providing them with the necessary energy and nutrients derived from lower trophic levels.

In summary, secondary productivity refers to the rate of formation of new organic matter by consumers in an ecosystem. It represents the growth and production of biomass by heterotrophic organisms and contributes to the flow of energy and nutrients through the food chain.