Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following statement is NOT correct regarding hydrocarbons?


Saturated hydrocarbons are fairly unreactive and are inert in the presence of most reagents.

Most carbon compounds also release a large amount of heat and light on burning.

Carbon compounds cannot get oxidised on combustion.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons add hydrogen in the presence of catalysts such as palladium or nickel to give saturated hydrocarbons.

Correct Answer:

Carbon compounds cannot get oxidised on combustion.


The correct answer is option 3. Carbon compounds cannot get oxidised on combustion.

The statement that is NOT correct regarding hydrocarbons is Carbon compounds cannot get oxidized on combustion.

This statement is incorrect. Hydrocarbons, which consist of carbon and hydrogen, undergo combustion reactions where they react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Combustion is essentially an oxidation reaction where hydrocarbons are oxidized to form these products. So, carbon compounds can indeed get oxidized during combustion.