Practicing Success

Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Pahari Schools of Painting


Observe the painting and answer the following questions:

What interesting feature is seen regarding the portrayal of animals in the painting?


Realistic size and proportions

Anthropomorphic characteristics

Animals depicted in peaceful coexistence

Fractional representation and hidden presence

Correct Answer:

Fractional representation and hidden presence


Answer: Fractional representation and hidden presence
A clever fragmentary portrayal of a wolf on the left and a tiger on the right. This fractional representation, with animals half hidden in the heavy outgrowth, adds mystery to the work.

A painting from the Shangri Ramayana set depicts Rama and Lakshmana accompanying sage Vishvamitra to the forest to defeat the demons, who would distress the hermits by disturbing their meditative practices and contaminating their rituals. An interesting feature of this painting is the representation of animals, stealthily prowling behind trees, half hidden in the heavy outgrowth. A clever fragmentary portrayal of a wolf on the left and a tiger on the right by the artist not only lends character to the forest as a thick impenetrable jungle, populated with ferocious animals hiding everywhere, but also adds an emotive value to the painting regarding the extraordinary courage of the two young princes. The fractional representation of animals adds mystery to the work as there is a possibility of them being demons in disguise.