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Target Exam





Grammar: Adverb


Pick out the Adverb Phrase in the given sentence:

"They have moved to another place."


have moved to

to another place

moved to another

they have moved

Correct Answer:

to another place


The correct answer is Option (2) → to another place

In the sentence "They have moved to another place," the adverb phrase is: to another place

Here's why:

  • An adverb phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. In this sentence, "to another place" provides more information about the direction or location of the verb "moved."
  • The other options don't function as adverb phrases:
    • "have moved to" is the verb tense and doesn't modify anything.
    • "moved to another" lacks the preposition "to," making it grammatically incomplete.
    • "they have moved" is just the subject and verb, not an adverb phrase.

Therefore, "to another place" is the only option that fulfills the definition and function of an adverb phrase in the sentence.