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Target Exam



Political Science


The Philosophy Of The Constitution


According to K.M. Pannikar, who is identified as the initiator of the first stream of Indian liberalism?


K.C. Sen

Swami Vivekananda

Justice Ranade

Rammohan Roy

Correct Answer:

Rammohan Roy


The correct answer is Option 4 - Rammohan Roy
The first stream of Indian liberalism began with Rammohan Roy, who emphasized individual rights, particularly the rights of women.

Indian liberalism has two streams. The first stream began with Rammohan Roy. He emphasised individual rights, particularly the rights of women. The second stream included thinkers like K.C. Sen, Justice Ranade and Swami Vivekananda. They introduced the spirit of social justice within orthodox Hinduism. For Vivekananda, such a reordering of Hindu society could not have been possible without liberal principles.

— K.M. Panikkar, In Defence of Liberalism, Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1962.