Target Exam





Organic: Biomolecules


Which hormone plays an important role during child birth and post it?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 1. Oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the "love hormone" or "birth hormone" due to its role in initiating and regulating labor. As the baby grows and the uterus expands, the pressure stimulates the release of oxytocin from the pituitary gland. This hormone then promotes uterine contractions, which are essential for progressing labor. Oxytocin not only triggers contractions but also increases their intensity and frequency, helping to move the baby through the birth canal.

After the baby is born, oxytocin continues to be released, causing the uterus to contract and shrink. These contractions help compress the blood vessels at the site where the placenta was attached, thereby reducing bleeding and helping to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Continued uterine contractions aided by oxytocin facilitate the delivery of the placenta, completing the birthing process.

Oxytocin plays a vital role in lactation. When a baby suckles at the breast, nerve signals are sent to the brain, prompting the release of oxytocin. This hormone causes the milk ducts to contract, pushing milk towards the nipple and enabling the baby to feed effectively.

Comparison with Other Hormones:

2. Cortisone: This hormone is involved in the stress response and has anti-inflammatory effects but does not play a direct role in childbirth or lactation.

3. Progesterone: During pregnancy, progesterone helps maintain the uterine lining and prevent contractions. Its levels drop towards the end of pregnancy, allowing oxytocin to take over and initiate labor.

4. Estrogen: Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy, promoting the development of the fetus and preparing the body for labor. However, it is not the primary hormone driving the processes of childbirth and post-birth.

Oxytocin is uniquely positioned as the key hormone for childbirth and postnatal activities. Its ability to induce labor, facilitate uterine contractions to deliver the baby and placenta, reduce postpartum bleeding, and aid in breastfeeding makes it indispensable during and after childbirth.