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General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following terms is associated with the architecture of a Buddhist Stupa?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - Harmika

In the architecture of a Buddhist Stupa, the "Harmika" refers to a square platform or structure that sits atop the dome or main body of the stupa. It is an essential architectural feature found in many Buddhist stupas, particularly in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The Harmika serves as a symbolic representation of the crown or topmost part of the stupa, signifying spiritual enlightenment and the attainment of nirvana. It typically consists of a square railing or balustrade surrounding a central space. Sometimes, the Harmika may also feature ornamental elements such as carved motifs, decorative patterns, or miniature stupas.

Within the Harmika, there is often a central pillar or post known as the "Yasti," which rises vertically and symbolizes the axis mundi or the axis of the universe. The Yasti may be adorned with decorative elements or crowned with a three-tiered umbrella-like structure called the "Chhatra," which symbolizes protection and spiritual authority. The Harmika is considered a sacred and significant element of the stupa's architecture, representing the pinnacle of spiritual attainment and enlightenment in Buddhist cosmology. It serves as a focal point for devotional practices and rituals, with worshippers circumambulating the stupa and offering prayers and offerings at its base.

Overall, the Harmika plays a crucial role in the architectural symbolism of Buddhist stupas, conveying profound spiritual meanings and serving as a visual reminder of the Buddha's teachings and the path to enlightenment.