Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

It is very difficult for her to ______.


keep a secret

touch a secret

make a secret

cry a secret

Correct Answer:

keep a secret


The most appropriate option to fill in the blank is keep a secret.

The sentence is about someone who has difficulty keeping secrets. The word "keep" means to retain possession of something or to refrain from revealing something. It is the most appropriate word to use in this context, as it describes the action of not telling someone something that they should not know.

The other options are not as appropriate:

  • Touch a secret does not make sense in this context.
  • Make a secret means to create a secret or to keep something secret. It is not accurate to use "make a secret" in this context, as the person is not creating a secret or keeping something secret.
  • Cry a secret does not make sense in this context.