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Target Exam





Psychological Disorders


Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Rahim is a 25 - year old young man. His parents are very popular among the residents of the colony in which they live because they are gentle, soft spoken and always ready to help anyone facing problems.

Rahim parents are religious by nature and think that helping people selflessly is part of religious value. They have taught Rahim about the importance of helping behaviour right from the childhood.

One day when Rahim was going to his office by his car, he noticed a middle aged person had been hit by a vehicle and was bleeding. Rahim stopped his car and went upto the injured person to help. Soon few more people gathered there and started discussing what to do. However, no one took any initiative in helping the injured person as each thought that it is not her/his responsibility to help. Later Rahim came to know that this man was hit by the driver of a car with an intention to rob him. The car driver was also found to be an alcoholic who often drank excessively.

The car driver who hit the middle aged man can said to be suffering from which disorder?


Antisocial Disorder


Anxiety Disorder

Substance-related and addictive disorder

Correct Answer:

Substance-related and addictive disorder


Addictive behaviour, whether it involves excessive intake of high calorie food resulting in extreme obesity or involving the abuse of substances such as alcohol or cocaine, is one of the most severe problems being faced by society today. Disorders relating to maladaptive behaviours resulting from regular and consistent use of the substance involved are included under substance related and addictive disorders. These disorders include problems associated with the use and abuse of alcohol, cocaine, tobacco and opiods among others, which alter the way people think, feel and behave.