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Target Exam



Political Science




Who was the President of Zimbabwe in 1997 who announced the plans to take over around 1500 farms?


Robert Mugabe

Phelekezela Mphoko

Canaan Banana

Emmerson Mnangagwa

Correct Answer:

Robert Mugabe


The correct answer is Option 1 - Robert Mugabe

According to the official figures published about the land distribution in Zimbabwe, some 4,400 white families owned 32 per cent of agricultural land that is about 10m hectares. About one million black peasant families own just 16m hectares that is the 38 per cent of the land. While the land that is with the white families is fertile and irrigated, the land in the hands of black population is less fertile and unirrigated. While tracing the history of land ownership, it is very obvious that a century ago the whites had taken the fertile land from the native people. Whites have now been in Zimbabwe for generations and consider themselves as Zimbabweans. The total population of whites in Zimbabwe is just 0.06 per cent of the population. In the year 1997, the President of Zimbabwe, Mugabe announced the plans to take over around 1500 farms.