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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Which of the following statements is correct about Jayaprakash Narayan?

a- Jayaprakash Narayan was a socialist in his youth.
b- Jayaprakash Narayan declined to join Nehru's Cabinet after independence.


Only statement a is correct.

Only statement b is correct.

Both statements are correct.

Neither of them is correct.

Correct Answer:

Only statement b is correct.


Jayaprakash Narayan: A Marxist in his youth; founder and general secretary of the Congress Socialist Party and the Socialist Party; a hero of the 1942 Quit India movement; declined to join Nehru’s cabinet; after 1955 quit active politics; became a Gandhian and was involved in the Bhoodan movement, negotiations with the Naga rebels, peace initiative in Kashmir and ensured the surrender of decoits in Chambal; leader of Bihar movement, he became the symbol of opposition to Emergency and was the moving force behind the formation of Janata Party.