Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Listening is a lost art. Few people truly listen to others; usually because they are too busy thinking about what is coming next. In business transactions, clear communication is often coloured by power plays, one-upmanship and to impress rather than express. How we listen is least important compared to how we talk. However, genuine listening to what others want to say would allow more sales in business and thus greater productivity too. Although, we cannot satisfy all the wants of others, understanding them is the glue of a relationship. Not paying value by listening is a way of saying, “you are not important to me”. The results are reduced productivity and employee turnover, and absenteeism.


Match the List-1 with List-2 and choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. Genuine listening is                                        A. how we talk rather than listening

2. Reduced productivity is the result of                B. try to impress than to express            

3. In business, people often                               C. not paying value by listening

4. We give more importance to                           D. becoming obsolete day by day.


1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A

1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C

1-A, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C

1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

Correct Answer:

1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A

