Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


Why was the economic conditions of farmers not improving even after the commercialization of crops during British Rule?


Crops were being sold to Britishers at low price

Crops did not flourish due to lack of human resource

Farmers lack adequate training to grow crops

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Crops were being sold to Britishers at low price


Option 1: Crops were being sold to Britishers at low prices.

Explanation: During British rule, the economic conditions of farmers did not improve significantly despite the commercialization of crops mainly because the crops were often sold to Britishers at low prices. The colonial economic policies favored the interests of the British rulers and colonial powers, often at the expense of the local population, including farmers. The British implemented various policies and practices such as high land taxes, exploitative rent systems, and monopolistic control over trade and markets, which disadvantaged the local farmers and prevented them from realizing fair prices for their produce.