Target Exam



Political Science


Rights In The Indian Constitution


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Right to freedom?

Statement A- The government may impose restrictions in certain areas declaring the assembly of five or more persons as unlawful. 
Statement B- The right to freedom of speech and expression is subject to restrictions such as public order, peace and morality etc.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


Only Statement 'A' is correct.

Only Statement 'B' is correct.

Both Statements are correct.

Both Statements are incorrect.

Correct Answer:

Both Statements are correct.


The correct answer is Option 3 - Both Statements are correct.

Statement A- The government may impose restrictions in certain areas declaring the assembly of five or more persons as unlawful. 
Statement B- The right to freedom of speech and expression is subject to restrictions such as public order, peace and morality etc.

Under the right to freedom, there are some other rights as well. These rights however are not absolute. Each of these is subject to restrictions imposed by the government. For example right to freedom of speech and expression is subject to restrictions such as public order, peace and morality etc. Freedom to assemble too is to be exercised peacefully and without arms. The government may impose restrictions in certain areas declaring the assembly of five or more persons as unlawful. Such powers can be easily misused by the administration. The genuine protest against an act or policy of government by the people may be denied permission. However, if the people are aware and vigilant in regard to their rights and choose to protest against such acts of administration such misuse becomes rare. In the Constituent Assembly itself, some members had expressed their dissatisfaction about restrictions on rights.