Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows by choosing the correct option:

The Entertaining Speech -

There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old there is no respect for age. I missed it coming and going.

- J. B. Priestley

Unlike the Persuasive Speech, which changes mindsets, and the informative Speech, which transfers knowledge, an Entertaining speech makes the speaker and the listener feel good about life and themselves. An Entertaining Speech is light, fun and gracious. Speeches in the form of toasts, roasts, stand-ups, and after dinner chats are examples of entertaining speeches. An Entertaining Speech sells or promotes happiness and gratitude. Still, as speeches go, the Entertaining Speech needs a good opening, a good closing, and a fun-filled relevant middle. The closing need not be a summary or a call for action, but it needs to end on a high and happy note.

The elements of an entertaining speech are:

  • Several humorous anecdotes about the characters involved
  • Dialogues between characters
  • A "flip" look at serious things
  • Preferably spoken in the first person and told in the present tense
  • Ideas and suggestions in the speech should be quick on the set-up and quicker on the punch
  • Several voice modulations should be part of the delivery style
  • It should not be very long

The speaker also needs to open up and get close to the audience mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Which of the following is not an example of an Entertaining Speech?


Stand -ups in the club

The Best Man's speech at a wedding reception

Welcome toast at a farewell

Valedictory at a seminar

Correct Answer:

Valedictory at a seminar


The option that is not an example of an Entertaining Speech is:

Valedictory at a seminar

Here's why:

  • Stand-ups in the club: These are specifically designed to be funny and lighthearted, making them a clear example of an Entertaining Speech.
  • The Best Man's speech at a wedding reception: This type of speech is often humorous and lighthearted, sharing anecdotes and celebrating the couple, making it fit the definition of an Entertaining Speech.
  • Welcome toast at a farewell: This speech aims to create a happy and welcoming atmosphere, making it an example of an Entertaining Speech.
  • Valedictory at a seminar: While this speech might include personal anecdotes, its primary purpose is to inform and reflect on the seminar experience, not primarily to entertain. It often focuses on lessons learned and future goals, making it fall outside the category of an Entertaining Speech.