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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


What was the key feature of the Ten Point Programme adopted by the Congress Working Committee in May 1967?


Expanding military capabilities.

Promoting capitalist economic policies.

Implementing right-wing social reforms.

Giving the government policy a Left orientation.

Correct Answer:

Giving the government policy a Left orientation.


Indira Gandhi faced two prominent challenges during this time. Firstly, she aimed to establish her autonomy from the Syndicate's influence. Simultaneously, she endeavored to reclaim the political footing that the Congress had lost in the 1967 elections. To tackle these challenges, Indira Gandhi took a remarkably audacious approach. She transformed what appeared to be a straightforward struggle for power into an intricate ideological conflict. This strategic maneuver involved the launch of a sequence of initiatives that shifted the direction of government policies towards a Left-leaning orientation. One notable accomplishment was her success in persuading the Congress Working Committee to adopt the Ten Point Programme in May 1967. This comprehensive program encompassed measures such as introducing social controls on banks, the nationalization of General Insurance, placing ceilings on urban property and income, facilitating public distribution of food grains, instituting land reforms, and providing house sites for rural underprivileged communities. Interestingly, despite the formal endorsement of this Left-wing agenda by the 'syndicate' leaders, they held profound reservations about its implications.