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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


During which global event did India experience economic turmoil and high inflation around the time of its nuclear test?


World Cup

Space race

Arab-Israel War of 1973

Cold War tensions

Correct Answer:

Arab-Israel War of 1973


The era of the nuclear test coincided with a challenging phase in domestic politics. The aftermath of the 1973 Arab-Israel War triggered a global Oil Shock due to a substantial rise in oil prices by Arab nations. This resulted in economic upheaval in India, leading to significant inflation. This period also witnessed various protests, including a nationwide railway strike. Despite minor variations in approaches to external relations, Indian politics predominantly reflects a broad consensus among parties concerning national unity, safeguarding international borders, and matters of national significance. As evident through the decade spanning 1962-1971, marked by three conflicts India faced, and even during subsequent shifts in power, foreign policy has played a limited role in the realm of party politics.