Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

It is your duty to train and develop your mind and acquire knowledge, as much as you possibly can obtain. Knowledge is like a deep well, fed by perennial springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop into it: you will get as much as you can assimilate. The brain, which is the physical organ of the mind, is one of the two precious products of the aeons of evolution, the other is the imponderable 'Social Instinct'. This wonderful Brain, whose every convolution represents millions of years of Time, really distinguishes you from animals. Many animals have very powerful sense organs; the eagle, the ant and the dog have keener sense of sight than Man. But no animal has a more evolved Brain and Higher intelligence. If you do not develop and use this Brain to the utmost of your power, you are more akin to the beasts than to Homo sapiens. 

Knowledge and mental self-culture confer untold blessings upon you. You will not be the victim of superstition and demagogy in religion and politics, not to be doped and duped by the priests and politicians of capitalism and so called Socialism: is this not a nobel aim worth striving for? Most men and women today are not free and wise. 

They are fleeced and fooled on account of their ignorance. Half the ills of man are due to ignorance.

According to the passage, along with our highly evolved brain we as humans have also been blessed with the asset of "Social Instinct" which:

(A) allows us to become social predators 

(B) helps us to become wise fair, just and independent that gives us our superior position in the Animal kingdom

(C) develop our sense of smell and sight

(D) makes us inordinately lazy and cruel

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


  (A) only

 (C) only

 (B) only

(D) only

Correct Answer:

 (B) only


The correct answer is Option 3: (B) only.

The passage emphasizes that along with our highly evolved brain, humans possess another valuable asset called the "Social Instinct." This social instinct is not about becoming predators or being lazy and cruel; rather, it is described as something that helps us become wise, fair, just, and independent. This instinct is what distinguishes humans from animals and contributes to our superior position in the animal kingdom. Therefore, Option 3: (B) only is the correct answer, as it accurately reflects the passage's description of the "Social Instinct."

    • Option (A) is negated by the passage which highlights the social aspect.
    • Option (C) contradicts the passage as it talks about senses, not social skills.
    • Option (D) goes against the positive portrayal of "Social Instinct" as it promotes wisdom and fairness.