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Target Exam





Macro Economics: National Income Accounting


Which of the following are a part of domestic territory of India?
i. Deutsche Bank in India
ii. Bank of India in Canada
iii. Hyundai Motors in India
iv. Google’s office in US


i, ii

i, iii

ii, iii

ii, iv

Correct Answer:

i, iii


The correct answer is option 2: i, iii

Domestic territory implies within geographical boundaries of India. So any office or branch within Indian borders will be considered as part of domestic territory of India. Let's analyze each option:

i. Deutsche Bank in India: This is located within the domestic territory of India.

ii. Bank of India in Canada: This is located outside the domestic territory of India, in Canada.

iii. Hyundai Motors in India: This is located within the domestic territory of India.

iv. Google’s office in US: This is located outside the domestic territory of India, in the United States.