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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the correct meaning of the idiom in bold and italics.

Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.


Mixture of rewards and punishments

Waste one's efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path

Practically identical in appearance

To be optimistic or enthusiastic

Correct Answer:

Mixture of rewards and punishments


The correct meaning of the idiom "carrot and stick approach" is mixture of rewards and punishments. It is a metaphor that refers to the use of both positive and negative reinforcement in order to encourage a desired behavior. The carrot represents the reward, while the stick represents the punishment. The idiom is thought to have originated in the 19th century, and it is believed to be a reference to the way that donkeys are trained to pull carts.

The other options for the meaning of the idiom are incorrect. To waste one's efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path is not the carrot and stick approach. Practically identical in appearance is not the carrot and stick approach. To be optimistic or enthusiastic is not the carrot and stick approach.