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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which law is illustrated in the formation of CO and CO2


Law of conservation of mass 

Law of Reciprocal proportion

 Law of Constant Proportion 

Law of Multiple Proportion

Correct Answer:

Law of Multiple Proportion


The correct answer is option 4. Law of Multiple Proportion.

The law illustrated in the formation of \(CO\) (carbon monoxide) and \(CO_2\) (carbon dioxide) is the Law of Multiple Proportions.

The Law of Multiple Proportions, proposed by John Dalton, states that when two elements form more than one compound, the ratios of the masses of the second element that combine with a fixed mass of the first element can be expressed in small whole numbers. This law helps explain the existence of different compounds between the same elements, each with its own unique ratio of masses. In the case of carbon and oxygen, carbon monoxide \((CO)\) and carbon dioxide \((CO_2)\) are two different compounds formed by the same elements in different ratios.