Practicing Success

Target Exam





Macro Economics: Determination of Income and Employment


Identify the true statement from the given statements?


MPC measures the slope of income curve

If MPS is zero,multiplier will be zero

Value of APC can be zero

Value of investment multiplier varies from one to infinity

Correct Answer:

Value of investment multiplier varies from one to infinity


Value of investment multiplier varies between one and infinity. The minimum value of investment multiplier is 1. It can never be less than one because MPC is never negative. At least it is = 0, and at most it is = 1.

Case 1: MPC = 0, M (or multiplier) = 1/(1−MPC)



Case 2: MPC = 1, M=1/(1−MPC)=1/(1−1)



So that, value of M (multiplier) always varies between 1and∞.

Option 1: MPC (Marginal Propensity to Consume) measures the slope of the consumption curve, not the income curve.

Option 2: If MPS= 0, then MPC =1- MPS = 1- 0 = 1. So,

                 Multiplier(k) = 1/ (1-MPC) = 1/ (1-1) 

                      = 1/0

                      = Infinity


Option 3: The value of APC (Average Propensity to Consume) cannot be zero since it is defined as the ratio of consumption expenditure to disposable income. As long as there is any consumption expenditure, APC will have a positive value.