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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Population-Distribution,Density, Growth and Composition


Read the Passage and answer the following Question.
There is an uneven spatial distribution of population in India which suggests a close relationship between population and physical, socio-economic and historical factors. As far as the physical factors are concerned, it is clear that climate along with terrain and availability of water largely determines the pattern of the population distribution.

Which of the following areas were earlier very thinly populated area but now have become moderate to high concentration of population due to availability of water?


Parts of Rajasthan

Parts of Gujarat

Parts of Peninsular India.

Parts of Jharkhand.

Correct Answer:

Parts of Rajasthan


Development of irrigation in Rajasthan, availability of mineral and energy resources (Jharkhand) and development of transport network (Peninsular States) have resulted in moderate to high concentration of population in areas which were previously very thinly populated.