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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Savi is suffering from Kwashiorkor. Which of the following deficiencies causes it?


Deficiency of iron

Deficiency of protein

Deficiency of calcium

Deficiency of vitamin A

Correct Answer:

Deficiency of protein


The correct answer is Option (2) – Deficiency of protein

Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by a severe deficiency of proteins.

Cause: It results from insufficient protein intake in the diet, especially when there is an inadequate supply of essential amino acids.

  • Symptoms:
    • Edema: One of the hallmark symptoms is the accumulation of fluid in various tissues, leading to swelling.
    • Skin Changes: The skin may become dry, scaly, and depigmented.
    • Hair Changes: Hair may become thin, brittle, and lose its color.
    • Liver Enlargement: The liver may become enlarged.
    • Anemia: In some cases, anemia may also occur.
  • Mechanism: Proteins are essential for various physiological functions in the body, including the maintenance of osmotic balance, fluid distribution, and the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. In the absence of an adequate protein supply, these functions are compromised, leading to the characteristic symptoms of kwashiorkor.